Wednesday, September 21, 2011

early region of state: mesopotamia

  • Mesopotamia-  means “land between the rivers”. artificial irrigation led to increased food supplies, which in turn supported a rapidly increasing human population and attracted migrants from other regions. Sumerians were the first people to inhabit land around the sixth millennium B.C.E.  the wealth of the sumer attracted migrants from other regions. Sumerians built the world’s first cities as the population was increasing. these cities were different from neolithic ones. were more organized and centered around politics and military.  once Mesopotamia had organized effective states, conflicts between city-states often led to war. in efforts to move beyond these constant conflicts, a series of conquerors worked to establish order on a scale larger than the city- state by building empires that supervised the affairs of a lot of people and cites. these regional empires emerged as Semitic peoples like the Akkadians and the Babylonians of northern Mesopotamia began to overshadow the Sumerians.

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